Class of 1994
Cat in the Hat

Dear Friends-

It’s time again to come together for our class reunion. How is it possible that we graduated from college 30 years ago?!?

There’s so much to catch up on! We’ve changed in so many ways, yet we all have that amazing Agnes Scott foundation… a foundation that bonds us together regardless of time, location, or path chosen.

And, y’all! This is HUGE! We have three days dedicated to making the most of our 30th Reunion! These are the times memories are shared… and memories are made.

We’re counting on you to join us! As your reunion committee (Claire, Josie, Nikki, Melanie, Anika, Jessica, and Donna), we challenge you to spread the word, reach out, and inspire a classmate to attend with you. Don’t underestimate the power of a phone call, an email, or a text. Sometimes we just need that initial contact to invite us to join in!

Registration opens February 1st!

You’ll also find hotel information in the sidebar. Make your reservations as soon as possible. Y’all know how fast these rooms will disappear.

And if you haven’t joined the Facebook group, please join soon. We’ll post regular updates on the reunion here.

We’d like to challenge our 30 year reunion class members to donate at least $30 each to the College. Call it 30 for 30, and remember, participation percentages count!

We can’t wait to see you in April, sporting your red Cat in the Hat spirit wear! If you have any questions or suggestions please reach out to us. We’re here to make this reunion truly worthy of 30 years!

Jessica Lake Eyde and Donna Scott Johnson
Reunion Co-Chairs

Fall President’s Letter

“It is fun to have fun. But you have to know how.” –  Cat in the Hat, Dr.  Seuss.

Cherished Class of ’94 friends,

Believe it or not, our 30th Agnes Scott College class reunion is soon to arrive next Spring. Gah, how can that be? Our solid reunion committee of Jessica Lake, Nikki Walker, Donna Johnson, Melanie Clarkson, Josie Giles, and myself are hard at work planning this weekend for each of you!

I personally know you all know how to have fun (wink); but we need each of you to be there to join in and help create more joy and more memories. 30 is a big deal!! Sure hope all are aware of the dates (April 19-20, 2024) and planning to attend. Reach out to your fellow classmates to make sure they, too, will be coming.

A quick summary of the reunion weekend schedule includes:

Thursday, April 18

Tower Circle Reception for Leadership Donors

Friday, April 19

Outstanding Alumnae Awards Luncheon
Opportunities to attend classes and connect with Faculty
*Possible Reunion Kick-Off party/off site dinner meet-up (details TBD)

Saturday, April 20

Class Meeting at 9:30am
Class Parade
Class Picture
Campus Tours
Class Reunion Party and Planetarium Show at the Bradley Observatory

**A few housekeeping items to-do and/or review between now and April 19th:

  • Register for the reunion. Registration goes live on February 1; however, you can easily view the Alumnae Weekend website and schedule here:
  • Make sure you join and become a member of our Class Facebook page, if not already. Though not official college sponsored, we do use it to post updated info, dates,  communication, and photos, along with hype here:
  • A few key big calendar picture dates for your noting:
    • November: Fall Giving Campaign; Giving Tuesday on 11/28/23
    • January: Collecting Class News all month
    • February 1: Alumnae Weekend Registration Opens
    • April: It’s Happening! 30 Year Reunion Weekend on 4/19-4/20/24
  • As a reunion committee, we drummed up the campaign of “30 for 30.” I challenge each and every one of you, my fellow classmates, to commit to donating a minimum of $30 for our upcoming 30-year reunion. Percentage giving counts just as much as a bottom dollar amount; and we felt this was a reasonable, doable amount, even if you need to break it up into say, three payments of $10 each. Let’s do our best to hit that illustrious 100% participation goal donation!! Remember, Fall Giving is in November; and Giving Tuesday is 11/28/23…a perfect opportunity to meet this class campaign goal. I commit to this goal. Will you?
  • Is there a classmate you are hoping to see at the reunion? Maybe someone you haven’t seen in a while, but think of fondly and would like to reconnect? I’ll add one more challenge (really more like a request) to you: make it a personal mission to reconnect now and see what you can do to inspire that special classmate to attend! It’s always good to have a reunion buddy. I am pretty confident, if you invite them, they will come! Spread the word, make it happen, and bring a classmate with you!
  • Please make sure the college has your correct contact info, including email address. Nikki is working hard to get this cleaned up, accurate, and as up-to-date as possible. Email her for verification or updates:

Not sure when a lot of you were last on campus; or if you are keeping abreast of the latest college news (hope you are!), but at the reunion planning boot camp this past August, President Zak shared a few amazing stats on the college that are worth sharing with you.

ASC was listed as:

  • #1 in Innovation in Liberal Arts colleges for the 5th year in a row nationally
  • #1 in first year experience across ALL colleges nationally
  • #2 in making a social impact
  • #6 in Alumnae Networks rated by Princeton Review
  • Made the top 10 in Social Mobility

The college has a new VP for Finance and Admin, Nicole Long; a new VP of Academic Affairs, Rachel Bowser; and apparently a rock star VP for student affairs, Chicora Martin. Regarding degrees and courses of study, they’ve added an MS in counseling (the #2 most popular major is Psychology), a PA program has just been announced; and my favorite tidbit is that the combined faculty of Visual Art, Theater, and Music have come together and created a brand new holistic Creative Arts Major. This is the current #1 major for first year students:) Oh! And a brand-new program combining Neuroscience and Philosophy is now available. Speaking of science, did you know that 90% of ASC applicants to Vet/Med school get in on their first try? Incredible.

With respect to students, there are 240 first year students who, along with transfers, make up the largest number of students on campus in the history of the school, including three Fulbright Scholars. A total of 1100 students (including Grad students) which is the 2nd largest in the history of the school; and 100% of undergrads receive some sort of Financial Aid, with 40% of those receiving Pell Grants, and ⅓ of our campus population is first generation college students. Amazing.

And yes, Main Hall is finally getting completely renovated! (I distinctly recall several of us former Main residents lamenting at last reunion the sad state of conditions that year. So, this is good news.)

All of this combines to create one heckuva learning and living environment yielding ultimately successful and fulfilling lives for women. Your continued support helps make ALL this possible!  Thank you sincerely for all you have contributed over the years, and for all you continue to donate.

Speaking of support, if you or any classmate you know is struggling financially but would like to attend the reunion, please know that we, as your planning committee, are mindful of potential hardships. We want everyone who wants to attend to be able to. So, if you find yourself in this position, please do not hesitate to reach out to me (Claire, or Donna (, knowing all will be confidential. We’ll do our best to help you!

More details on this and other Reunion specific information, hotel bookings, party details, etc. to be coming later in the year from Donna and Jess!

In the meantime, my best to all; and look forward to hearing from you over the next few months; and even better, to personally welcome you back to your college home. Cheers to 30 years, Y’all!

Claire Abel

“If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good.” Cat in the Hat, Dr. Seuss

Class Officers

Claire Laye Abel

Josie Hoilman Giles

Vice President

Nikki Webb Alger

Melanie Clarkson

Anika Dyrstad Hagenson

Donna Scott Johnson

Jessica Lake Eyde

Reunion Co-Chair

Any Questions?

Agnes Scott College

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